My name is Minymo123. I was introduced to chobots by Mimo's Club penguin blog. I started really liking chobots and it became my favorite game!
When .com shut down I was very sad. I started reading all the comments on the final post and people were talking about I signed up to and it was just like .com. I saw many of my friends from .com and I started getting hope again that chobots was back.
After a while hackers started to come and they deleted others accounts. I ended up restarting like 90 times. I eventually got sick of all the hacking so I quit .in.
Eventually I went back to and people were talking about! I went to the main blog and they said they were looking for some private beta testers! I sent in an application and I became a private beta tester. That's how my .net life began.
I love to help others in tight situations or just give them some tips :) I have been playing chobots for around 3-4 years now and just can't get enough! I was made a Chobots Agent by the Chobots Team on the 6th of January 2012.
I love posting on the forum and blogging as well as being on chobots! My favorite game on chobots is Sweet Battle and my favorite item is the Teddy Bear.