Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I'm back + Interview

Hey guys,
After 2 weeks of vacation I am back and ready to start blogging. I had a wonderful time on holidays and the weather was boiling! One day it was 44.6ºC (112.28ºF!) Anyway enough of that today I thought I'd do an interview. Here it is! :)

Chobot: Spencer       

Question 1: How did you find out about 
Spencer: : Well actually, I was playing .com, then i heard about it shutting down so after it closed
I kept on looking at the site for the past couple of months. I then forgot about it for a couple of years and I check again and BABAM

Question 2: Who is your role model on chobots and why?
Spencer: Hmm... Probably Carmel1011 because she is a very kind person who thinks before she acts, and she is a very fair person :)

Question 3: If you could do anything on chobots what would you do?
Spencer: Probably Change the chat filters, so people don't get chat banned for typo's. Also maybe listen to the chobots more and to take in all of their suggestions.

Question 4: What is your happiest memory on chobots?
Spencer: I remember finding out about the friends chat and I felt so happy, as I had lots of things in common with them, and we play other games too in a group which is on skype. :)

Thanks spencer for agreeing to do that interview :)