Hi all,
I haven't exactly had time to post yet, as some has been making me busy -wink wink- MINY!
I'm just kidding with you,but yes as you can see,I made minys template and header and so on,the 1st time it was fine,then something happened so I had to re-make it and I had bug's with my blog along that too. But enough with that,let me introduce myself. My name's Mollyful and my real name is Molly. Kinda figured? My favourite colour's are red and blue,I'm british and I love chinease and curry and icecream (strawberry and mint chocolate chip) YUM! I love other food by the way but at the moment,I really need some icecream.
My blog is: http://mollyfulchobots.blogspot.co.uk/
I'm going to start having competition's to win a template, the first contest will be once I get 50 follower's everyone will have to draw a picture of me (Which I will post) there will be 2-3 winner's or more depending on how many entrie's I get,so go follow my blog for a chance to win a template!
Hello Chobots,
We had a massive celebration today at rockmall street. There was plenty of rain and magic. The stage was decorated and the new agents were announced near the end of the party.
Congratulations to...
Program (149 votes)
Itunez (109 votes)
Twinklefairyx (97 votes)
Amoona (96 votes)
Comebackiid (0 votes) but completely deserved the badge.
Here are the full results from the poll.
Catzpress (16 votes)
Dizzymckirby7777 (43 votes)
Master720 (51 votes)
Newy (58 votes)
Kacianna (59 votes)
Vastal (70 votes)
Eathan (87 votes)
Amoona (96 votes)
Twinklefairyx (97 votes)
Itunez (109 votes)
Program (149 votes)
If you didn't become an agent do not stress. Look how far you have come! Some places were separated by only a couple of votes!
Hey Guys,
You may have noticed we have a new template!! This is all because Mollyful made it.. Thanks so much Molly! Click here to go to her amazing blog.
Hey Chobots!
The thriller contest has come to an end. Some of your entries in the comments were outstanding.
1st Place Winners:
Sonercraft and Zeynep2001xd
Congratulations to you guys! Your efforts in your entries were amazing. I love they layout of Jammy's entry and the video by Sonercraft and Zeynep2001xd was fantastic!
2nd Place Winners:
Great job to all of you. Vchobot1's picture was very clever and both Toastytim's and Iboo's comics were really entertaining.
3rd Place Winners:
All your comics were very impressive. Even if you did not win this contest you still get a prize :D
1st: 1 month Citizenship, 10,000 Bugs.
2nd: 3 weeks Citizenship, 8,000 Bugs.
3rd: 2 weeks Citizenship, 6,000 Bugs.
Qualification: 1 week Citizenship, 3,000 Bugs.
Congratulations to all of you once again. Have fun with your Bugs and Citizenship!!!
Hello Chobots!
August has arrived and that means new citizenship items! There will also be many exclusive events for citizens this month. Let's take a look at the citizen items for August.
Giant Giga, Gem Bug and a Mission Controller Suit! My personal favorite is the Mission Controller. Also if you buy 12 months of citizenship you will get 2 extra chat bubbles for free!