Hello Chobots,
July is finally here and it's time to get some July Journalists!
If you are unfamiliar with the program the first thing that you need to know is that it is called the "Journalist Program." The Chobot Team award bloggers who show off their work in posting, having a cool template, creating your blog and more!
If you are a journalist you will have your own special "J Badge" on the bottom left hand corner of your playercard.
If you are a journalist on chobots you get some cool rewards that others do not get such as...
- Your own Journalist Badge
- A spot on the official chobots blogroll
- 5000 bugs which is paid at the 1st of every month
To become a journalist you should try to do the following...
- Publish original content on YOUR blog
- Help out in the chobots community both in and out of the game
- Post on the forums and interact with other users
If you would like to become a journalist on chobots then you should comment the url/web address of your blog into this post
HERE. The Chobot Team will then review your blog. The July Journalists will be announced in an upcoming post on the main blog. Former May and June journalists will need to also resubmit their blog.
If you have any further questions you can leave a comment here or email support@chobots.net