Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Coins rain results.

Hey guys,
the coins rain contest has ended.. lets see the results!

Bigbang in first!
Fadee in second!
purplerox in third!

bigbang: Coins rain hand item, 7 days citizenship and 4444 bugs.
Fadee: Coins rain hand item, 5 days citizenship and 3333 bugs.
Purplerox: Coins rain hand item, 3 days of citizenship and 2222 bugs.

Have fun,

Sunday, January 29, 2012

New Moderator!

Hey guys,
radiostar is our new designer moderator Congratulations :)

Hope you do well as a designer :)


Update: For some reason radiostar is not a designer anymore...

Research contest winners.

Hey guys,
the research contest has ended. I'm sure everybody learnt a thing or two about the Groundhog! Here are the winners.

1st Place: Reindeer
Prize: Scroll, 14 days citizen, 6000 bugs

2nd Place: Silverbrush
Prize: Scroll, 10 days citizen, 5000 bugs

3rd Place: Little98Miss
Prize: Scroll, 7 days citizen, 4000 bugs

4th Place: Stargazer
Prize: Scroll, 5 days citizen, 3000 bugs

Congrats :)


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Coins Rain Contest!

Hi guys,
another contest is on chobots right now! Time to play Coins Rain. The contest ends on the 30th of January on Monday.

Good luck,


Thursday, January 26, 2012

New buttons

Hi guys,
there are two new buttons on the side of the main blog. The button with the medals on it will show you all the prizes you can win from competitions! The other one with the chobots on it will take you to the forum.

Have fun :)


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Video contest!

Hey guys,
the chobots team have opened up a video contest for some awesome prizes! The theme of the video contest will be about how nichos will ruin valentines day. So get those cameras going now :D Prizes include cameras, citizenship and medals.

(picture of blog.chobots.net)

Also, here is my entry...


Monday, January 23, 2012

Chobots Racer results..

Hey guys,
the chobots racer competition has now ended. The 3 faster racers were... Mimzy, China and Icestormz!

Mimzy= 3 days citizen, Blue Football Suit.
China= 1 day citizen, Blue Football Suit
Icestormz= Blue Football suit.

Expect another contest soon ;)


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Agents can clear walls.

Hi guys,
Chobot Agents can now clear underground walls. There is a small button in the top right corner.

Have fun,

New drawing wall!

The chobots team have added a new drawing wall :) You can only draw on it if you have a paintbrush. You can get to this wall by going to rope street.

(picture of blog.chobots.net)

Have fun drawing!


New Contests

Hey guys,
there is a research contest on chobots right now.. You have to learn about a Groundhog. Once you have found out about the Groundhog you can fill out a Research Card and share what you have learnt. You will have to also include a picture but please don't include any clip art from google.

Here is the template for the Research Card.

In other news there is another contest going on. Try to get the best score possible playing 'Chobots Racer!'

Good Luck,


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Garbage Collector Contest Winners!

Hey guys,
the Garbage contest has ended and here are the winners...
(picture of blog.chobots.net)

In first place we have bigbang! He wins a garbage suit, 7000 bugs and 5 days of citizenship.
In second place is chloe! She wins 5000 bugs and 3 days of citizenship.
In 3rd we have sals1! He wins 4000 bugs and 3 days of citizenship.

Nath88 was removed from the contest as staff cant win contests.


Monday, January 16, 2012

Cheaters on the agent poll

Hey guys,
I have removed the agent poll due to cheaters! It's sad that people will do anything to win a poll :/

Sorry to those who did not cheat.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy birthday to you..

Happy birthday too you! Happy Birthday too you
Happy birthday to you.
Hip Hip Horrary
Hip Hip Horrary
Minymo123 and nath88 has turned 100 (that means you get 101 punches)
Anyways.. Happy 100th birthday guys :D

New moderator :D

Nath88 is the new chobots modeartor! Congratulations nath :)

Have fun,

Hey guys.. IM BACK!

Hey guys, what's up.. It's funnyundercover here and I'm back into chobots.. :D
Anyways.. I'll see you on chobots them? Be sure to add me if you see me ;P
Ps: i made minymo123's header.. U like?

Agent recomendations

Hey guys,
I think its time to have an agent poll on this blog! What you have to do is leave a comment on who you think deserves an agent badge. The poll will be up at the end of the day.
Good luck and please do not make fake accounts to vote for yourself.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Party Pictures

Hey guys,
we all had a BLAST at the party, here are some pictures....


New Agent!

Hi chobots,
little98miss is now an agent! Make sure to congratulate her and make her feel welcome :)

Congratz :D


Friday, January 13, 2012

I won a Zoo Shirt

Hey guys,
at cafe street this morning zoo said whoever made him a birthday card would be entered into a raffle to get a Zoo Shirt! Turns out everyone that made a card got one!

Here was my entry,

Thanks zoo  :)


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Garbage Collector Contest!

Hey guys,
there is a Garbage Collector Contest going on right now! The contest ends on January the 15th.
Good Luck!  :D


Amazing Drawing

Hey guys,
Cizz drew another amazing drawing take a look :)
Thanks cizz its fantastic! Keep up your amazing efforts :)


Coming soon catalog!

I thought I would show all the chobot juniors out there a look at the coming soon catalog :)

What is your favorite?


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Parties :D

Hey guys,
there are going to be 2 parties soon here are the dates...

The main party will be held on Saturday the 14th at 7 PM est (USA) at the shops.

Many people can't make the party so {Dave} is going to host a quick party on Thursday 12 of January at 4:30 PM cho time at Rockmall Street. Try to wear something Musical. :)


Corrupted Accounts

Hey Guys!

Chobots had some coruppted accounts where you couldn't get past the server selection page. Good News is, it's fixed! Bad news is, Dave had to flush all the friend lists! Now you'll have to add your former friends back D:


Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Hey guys,
I have updated the blog. It has a new background new wigits/trackers and a new header.

Enjoy :)


Monday, January 9, 2012

Lebronjr23 and Monchocho

Hey guys,
in case you have not heard two famous CP bloggers have joined chobots. They have done chobots a huge favor by advertising chobots on there blogs. (click here to view monchocho's blog and click here to view lebronjr23's blog)

Not only that if you register a chobot with a certain link you will get a free Lj23 (lebronjr27) shirt or a Monchy (monchocho) shirt! Register HERE to get a free Lj23 shirt and register HERE to get a free Monchy shirt.



Sunday, January 8, 2012

Valentine Items.

Hi cho's,
there is a new contest on the main blog. You have to design a valentine item! You have until the January the 15th.

Good luck :)


Amazing art!

I was in the underground today and cizz106 drew this AMAZING drawing :)
I think it is worthy of a brush don't you? Keep up the great work cizz.


Samantha is back!

Hey guys,
Samantha has now arrived back on chobots. You can find here in the music stage, (citizens only)
As a reward you will get 1500 bugs :) This will come in handy as there are lots new items in the shops!


Friday, January 6, 2012

I became an agent :)

Hey guys,
sorry I have not been posting as much as I have been away! Its been pretty busy but I home now :) I also have some exciting news :D On the 6th of January 2012 I became an agent!
Thanks for all who congratulated me.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Agents

Hi Everyone!

We have some new agents on Chobots.Net! The new agents include our very own owner Minymo123!

List of new agents:

Congratulations to all the new agents!

Have fun and stay safe guys!


Agents can give warnings.

Hey guys,
agents now have the powers to give a warning to players. They have a yellow ! button and when clicked the player will get a warning.
picture from blog.chobots.net

Have fun,

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Agent Poll

Hi everyone!

The agent poll is coming back later this week, because the Chobots Team had found a lot of cheaters in the poll! Also, chobots is down for a little while, so stay sharp if it's back up!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Chobots Client

Hey guys!

Chobots has brand new software clients so you can go on to chobots, without using your internet browser!
Go to the blog at blog.chobots.net to see the full blog post about these clients, and if your interested, you should download one soon.


Congratulations Chobots :D

Exciting news,
Chobots is out of BETA!!! As a gift from the staff you will get an exclusive beta item.

There was a party earlier as well :) Congratulations chobots for reaching this far and getting out of beta.

In other news one of our blog authors has quit chobots, funnyundercover. All the best to him :)
